Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Southern Snow Storm

Like I mentioned in my previous post, the South has been experiencing some snow lately. Being from Chicago, I think it's funny how everyone reacts to it; but regardless of my opinion classes were cancelled for three days. The University of Alabama campus is one of the most beautiful in the country. Me and some of my close friends decided to go out and utilize the snow in a photoshoot!

Hope you enjoy the photos as much as we enjoyed our little snow-break from school!

First. Finest. Forever.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

The south rarely ever sees snow, and when it does the whole region just about shuts down. Being from the north, I see snow more than I'd like to but the second it started falling on Tuesday morning, the entire University of Alabama campus was filled with joy. Classes have now been cancelled for 3 days (possibly even 4 now). I thought that I would capture all the happiness from the snow by taking photos of some of my best friends.

The rest will be up soon I promise!

xoxo Andie